Now my fiance, he reads a lot and believes in all those "women talk too much because" "women don't understand because" yadda yadda. I always told him that it wud land him in trouble someday - Well it did.
It all started with a phone call. I didn't speak to him yesterday so I thought maybe we should talk today for at least an hour today; I could use a study break and he's bored.
So I was recapping the fun I had over the weekend. I went with a friend to a Gujurati Dandiya and Garba night (wud blog about it later) and we drove back home well after midnight and thats how it started.
"You girls shouldn't be driving at night, don't you know that women cannot see well compared to men at night and therefore shouldn't drive."
What the hell! How dare he say that to me! If he said it was because it may have been dangerous, or better still, he didnt want me to be out so late it would have made sense.
I took it as a joke at first, but when I found out it was from that book and all the other trash he believed from it I completely lost it. Apparently, the female brain is genetically programmed for household chores and therefore are less intelectually developed than the male *rolls eyes*.
I'm in the middle of a stressful week, have so many things due and I made out time to speak to you but you have the effrontery to open your mouth to tell me I'm less intelligent because I'm female, you must be joking. This is just a way to make women feel weaker than men isn't it? Well I'm having none of it! Not from you! Even the title of the book was offensive to me.
Now I'm not saying women are better than men, neither am saying men are bad. I just dont think its politically and morally incorrect to generalise that all the members of a certain sex are less capable than the other.
Just because a probably frustrated couple decided to pour out each others weaknesses in a book backed by weak fact and concocted generalisations to sell to the world doesn't mean we should blindly believe their illogical "evolutionary" facts.
I know I am judging the book by it's cover but sorry to say; it's hard to avoid considering the name of the book! It's just another way for people to justify their actions and wrongdoings.
Heck I would not tolerate any dude to tell me he did me wrong because its his nature as a man to do so. No way man!
Ironically, it is my mother who is excellent at reading maps and always calls out the directions for my father to follow cos he usually gets confused with navigation.
He sure got a piece of my mind today. It felt good to vent all that stress out. He asked for it! You dont make narrow minded comments like that to your feminist girlfriend and expect to go away scot free. Its funny cos things havent been smooth sailing between the both of us. He just added another crack man!
If he's going to believe junk like that Lord knows what else you'll believe when we are spending "the rest of our lives" together? How will he react when all those "them- say-them-say" people bring rumours about me?
Nonsense, I expect respect! It's a two way thing; I respect you, you respect me everybody wins!
anyways it led to another big fight and guess what? He wants me to adjust my attitude to suit his personality....Hahaha! thats all I said. You'd think that book of his would have thought him diplomatic skills....*hisssssssssssssss*
So I pose the questions;
Has anyone read the book?
Where do you stand on this?
Is it right to point fingers at each other and generalise like this?
Should we use these poorly explained "facts" to justify our actions?
hmm that would be interesting. Hi, I'm Zahra. I'm dumb. I cannot solve simple maths equations because my small female skull cannot analyse such difficult data. I got excellent grades in maths through household chores
Are women really less intelligent?
wonderful rant! I'm with you all the way.
na wa can any man talk to any woman like that...if the book is influencing him so much, then you should think twice before taking the vow that will bind you for your whole life o..
i would have said that only ibo men are that shallow minded, but i see now that stupidity cuts across all tribes...
you really do hate the book..pixel by pixel..damn..
Mts... What is intelligence? Who is defining it??? Men and women 've different n also some similar skills...for survival, together. Divisive talk about who is better than who is pointless...
hmm.. im definitely fuming with your. what book is that? who's d lunatic that would write such folly? and ur man...well if u love and think u can stand him think all those crap... cant see well @ nite wot bull. i'll have him know that albert einstien's brain was much smaller than a womans own, n he was a genius... what does that tell u?
Mr.H himself? unbelievable. maza ko? Yi hakuri and forgive him. He is too good to let go. He treats you like a queen fa. You know its not his nature to look down on you. I'm sure he has learnt his lesson by now.
oh gawd, im so with Stuck in my throat with this one.
As a wee feminist myself, such comments will have you banished to the far side of my dark mind. and really maybe you SHOULD thinkk about that guy's views. Cos i've found such ideologies only get WORSE with time.
I dont know about the book, but guys have been touting this idea for yonks that just because... i dont even know y sef... were women we're dumber, slower, weaker, and generally oonly really seful for laying, baby-vending and cleaning.
God help them. Sigh.
Your fiancee needs to attend a women's conference....
And go repeat that sentence. He might not be your fiancee anymore by the time they are done with him
Both sexed have their strengths; not because of their sex but because of the individuals that they are
Thanx for ur opinion guys :)
Talatu: :)
SIMT: hehe, i wouldnt attribute it to a particular tribe. I think it's men everywhere. Dont worry, I've got another three years.
XP: True talk.
Busola: Don't mind the foolish authors. As for him, I have laid it out plain and simple that I would not put up with such crap. Poor thing, I think he really is regretting it so much...Muahahaha!
Asma'u: I know he's great and I never said I'd leave him cos of this. But dude has a lesson to learn...
Onyi: We are out to prove them wrong.
Catwalq: Hehe, yup he definitely shud...then he'll see who's physically stronger...You do have a point there.
Things have been working out just fine.
hahahah, cant believe your finance actually said that..damn
i am fuming with you girl.
but, i actually think he was more concerned for your safety being out that late, and could not put together the right words.hahah.
you know guys can never get their brain to work properly and say the right things..
pele, i feel you on thsi,i wonder who published that book,its crazy,i think generalisations are shallow,i'm fuming with you girl.
Lordy! There's so much female outrage going on here I'm afraid to say anything but here goes... first of all I cracked up when I read "...women cannot see well compared to men at night...". That's just ridiculous. Anyway, glad to hear your man is feeling contrite. You sef, that evil "Muhahaha" laugh you let loose in your comment there makes me think you have mischief...
You do hate the book. I cant believe he said "You girls shouldn't be driving at night, don't you know that women cannot see well compared to men at night and therefore shouldn't drivE"
Did he really get this from the book?
Bwt i went to a Gujurati Dandiya and Garba night also, where was ur?
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