Pre Ramadan Movies
Chak De! India: I love love love this movie! It had been a while since I went to see a Bollywood flick and I was so excited to see Shah Rukh once again but man, knowing it was a sporty movie I didnt expect it to be this good! I have always known and admired the diversity in India. I knew they have tribalism and caste issues but I didn't know it was just as bad as we have it in Naija - if not worse. Definitely a must see. It's a motivational, feminist and anti-tribalism movie, definitely my type.
Hairspray: It only opened yesterday where I am and I wasted no time, I had to see it right away. I loved every minute of it...didnt think that Zack Efron was that great tho. I preferred Seaweed (Elijah Kelley). John Travolta definitely makes a better woman than he does a man. Twas so nice to see Amanda Bynes after so long. Her acting was so nostalgic I half expected her to go "Amanda Please" in some of the scenes... but she didnt. Most of all I loved Nikky Blonsky! Such a happy person, she reminds of a friend Comfy from high school...I still catch myself humming "Good Morning Baltimore" and "You can't stop the Beat." I'm so going to get the DVD when it comes out...need to learn some of those 60s moves!
Pre Ramadan Shopping!
I had promised to lay off the shopping for a while...need to save some $$$ to buy that vintage guitar I have been eyeing or that lovely Balenciaga bag that has been beckoning from David Jones' windows. But trust Nine West and Novo to make you break your shopping ban! Those shoes looked so fine I had to be mad to not get at least a pair! Plus the price was really reasonable it shouldn't handicap my budget too much. Love the Red and Black check...
Also needed to re-stock on make-up... I use Maybelline's Dream Matte Mousse and am I the only one that thinks I have been ripped off? The quality is great but man, how little is the content in that tub? It looks like it is full of the mousse but the glass is bloated and makes it look much fuller than it actually is... I feel cheated. I decided to change mascara to Maybelline XXL and being a L'oreal customer I had never used that Microfibre technology thingy. Don't know if I like it very much....especially the first coat, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE WHITE? Makes it look as if I have grey hair on my lashes... I have always wondred how Jaguar and them Papi Luwe on Lagos Na Wa used to have grey hair on their brows and lashes and now I have an answer....Maybe it's Maybelline? Hmmm, also makes
Pre Ramadan FooooooooooD!
Pre Ramadan Verakai?
The Verakai: Cirque Du Soleil is also in my part of the world right now and I really wanted to go and see it but I just couldn't get my hands on those tickets!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I heard very good reviews about this particular Cirque Du soleil and I really really really don't wanna miss it. Good thing they're in town until october but even then.....I WANT IT NOW!
Pre Ramadan Vanity
Now I can confidently say, In true spongebob fashion...
...What a nice post...i really enjoy reading your words...i mean everything in yout blogs...
...What a nice post...i really enjoy reading your words...i mean everything in your blog...
LOL! You covered every aspect b/4 fasting. I am always enviousof how disciplined muslims can be with the fasting. I guess Christains can be that way too but it seems so difficult. Do say a prayer for me. I'll do the eating for you. LOL! Okay, I'll say a prayer and maybe fast at some point time. . . did you know fasting is supposedly very good for your system? It sort of like helps detoxify you? How long? I ned to check into that again.
lol pre ramadan runs. you actually use that dream matte mousse is it good?
In computer science, there's what we called HLL -High Level Language and Low Level Language -LLL. Though belong to the HLL in my class but found ur words XHLL -Xtra High Level Language. My Princess, what's the problem with LLL in communication system?
Thanx for dropping by people :)
@ xpsanusi: Thanx, a lot :) drop by often..
@ ladybrille: Hehe, I try to deceive myself that i am organised... Yeah Its very good for detox - both body and soul. Wud pray for ya, any requests? If none then i wud say for success in fashion school and business generally. We fast for 29-30 days...the detox expires after sallah food consumption.
@ Lizz: Yup, dream matte mousse, definitely a good one. I luv da texture. Do try it.
@ XPs®: *scratches head* biko I no sabi computer science language... how I go answer ur querry? I think I get it tho :)
I have been trying to go see Chak De for a while but the only cinema near my home where it is being shown is not accessible my metro and so it's hard for me and I am not going to spend like $20.00 on a taxi to go see a movie I will pay $8.50 for. No way
Yeah, ramaddan has started. please when is the ram to be killed? need to come "visit" you.
lol@catwalq when is the ram to be killed I'll come and visit. Our neighbors in Naija were so good at sending the food, usually a big plate of rice and stew with so much meat when they were through with fasting. That was always a nice gesture although I never understood why they did it.
@Zaratique-- since it is Ramadan,I think the best prayer request would be a closer walk with God for all blessings, I believe, flows so long as that is intact. Thank you and happy fasting and praying. Okay, pray for the State of our nation, the USA, the Iraq war and our future leader come 2008. Thank you so much!
p.s. thanks for the educating me on the # of days. . .
Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If he will be possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).
wow....SRK ma numbr one!!so wht part of the worlds that?coz i knw we started on thursday along with all other arab countries,dama nija are yin wutar ciki,smtin a telescope dint see ordniry man wld confess he did...hairspray,ya been wanting to go see that,just too busy wit ma 8 up coming exams..hey is that u on the pics??nice...
tc nd ramadan kareem to u too ;)
@ Catwalq - Trust me, Chak De is worth it. You can wait for it to be out on DVD tho...but it might be better with surround dound. YOu can come for meat in about 19 days
@ Ladybrille - No worries.
@ Fatoumatta - Yup, thanx, hehe. Naija wutar it makes sense to all start on diff days. I'm directly to the east of you guys...literally
@ Fatoumatta - Directly to the east of you guys...literally: Means
her corner of the world stars and ends with "A" ...guess!
Hmm that chicken karaage is poking my tommy. its 5.48pm here now ... am tired of roasted kosai and akamu so if u have the recipe in english iwouldbe glad.
hapy ramadan and keep up the good work
lol...the choc chip cookies are not the point indeed...I am also on a diet...have about 20 sneaker bars in my room which i wake up and take at night but thats not the point cos otherwise I am on a fruit diet.
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