Me: Hey, Do you like this dude?
Friend 1: No, I don't. Why? *she sounded really defensive, as if it was a crime*
Me: You seem to have been talking about him eversince we came.
Friend 2: Yeah Thats true.
Friend 1: I mean, he is nice but you him? not sure.
Friend 2: Yeah, I can never date someone like him
Friend 1: Me too.
Me: *confused* You spent 10 good minutes talking about how great he is and now what?
Friend 2: He's not my type, I can't date a waiter, never!
Friend 1: Me too! No way man. I have class.
Do you know these girls didn't see anything wrong with their comments? They spoke as a matter of fact that they were better than he was because they weren't taking orders and collecting dishes.
You should have seen the look on their faces when I said there's was nothing wrong with dating a waiter.And as usual, they turned the conversation into another "You are not like us, you are a good girl" type of conversation; like they always do when they know i'm ready to give them a lecture on morality and political correctness.
Was I over reacting for thinking thier comments were horrible? What's wrong with dating a waiter? Isn't he a human being too?
It's times like these that I wonder why i'm even friends with people like these. What if (God forbid) one day they wake up and lose all the money they have right now and have to become waitresses for a living? How would they feel when people don't want to date them because of petty things like that?
Does money really make one a better person? I don't think so. There are good rich men and equally good poor men. Money is the most superficial abstract object that controls the world these days. It's really sad that people cannot see beyond things like wallets and social status. These comments were coming from girls that had considerably well-to-do families and are currently studying good courses at uni meaning one day, they'd have good paying jobs to provide a satisfactory way of life. Does that extra luxury really count?
Money certainly doesn't guarantee happiness... I really dont see anything wrong with dating someone that earns less than you. To me, there is more to wealth than something as common as money. Would you actually trade in riches for happiness?
Aww thats harsh! i try to stay away from peeps like that..speshally wen shes been ranting on and on about him..and then she's like she can't date him...she might really really dig him but she might be scared of "what people will say"
Don't mind them that is what I call vain thinking.
too vain for my liking..
we get all caught up in things that make no sense at all....
and end up blaming someone else when we make mistakes
Thans for dropping by guys :)
@ exschoolnerd: Yes o! She was obviously intrested in him but she's probably worried about her "rep" ...pathetic.
@ 30+: True talk!
@ Bllk wolf: Dont mind these girls. A the end of the day, the "rich" guys they are after wud leave them heartbroken and i'd be da one to pick up the pieces. sad nd pathetic!!!cant say nofin more!!
my grandfather says love is free but without money, love flies out of the window.
nothing wrong with dating a waiter if he is pursuing larger ambitions.
but if he is a content waiter, then he will only a liability for an ambitious educated girl. fact.
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